
Based on the data Thomson collected in his experiments using cathode rays, the concept of atomic structure was modified.
Which of the following statements about the atomic structure were validated by his cathode ray experiments?

a. Particles of the cathode rays are fundamental to all matter.
b. In the atom, the particles of the cathode rays are embedded in a diffuse cloud of positive charge.
c. Matter contains a negative charge and by inference positive charge.
d. There are subatomic size particles in an atom.
e. Cathode rays have mass.

Answer :


All options are correct


Thompson's cathode ray experiment lead to the postulation of the Thompson model of an atom, where negatively charged particles (electrons) were embedded in a positively charged cloud of protons. This model concluded that all atoms contain negatively charged particles and also positively charged particles which makes the atom electrically neutral. It also validated that these cathode rays have mass.

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