Answer :
John Lewis Holland who was the author and creator of the theory about the vocational and career choice types which are based on the personality types. It was called Holland’s codes. The personality types are: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional persons. Using these categories, the peoples work environment and choices have been investigated well. The main point of that theory was that the people in the same category of the personality types might work together much better that with mixed types of personalities. Following this situation, the searching of the work environment will also influence to the self-personality of the people. That is why we could determine the answer like this:
Realistic personality perceives self-having mechanical skills and lacking social skills .
Investigative personality perceives self as critical, analytical, curious, and methodical.
Artistic personality perceives self as imaginative, expressive, and independent.
Social personality sees self as cooperative, insightful, friendly, and persuasive.
Enterprising personality perceives self as extroverted, happy, assertive, popular, and self-confident.
Conventional personality perceives self as a conformist and having clerical and numerical skills.