
Spanish, I really need help because I suck at verbs and writing. Will give brainliest.

In Spanish write a letter to your grandmother, you are telling her about what five of your friends or family members are doing today.
You must include one of the following verbs in each sentence: comenzar, contar, costar, dormir, pedir, poder, querer, repetir, volver
Don't forget to conjugate!

Answer :


Hola abuelita como estas. Mom nos va a llevar a un lugar para comer hoy. Yo no quiero ir porque nomas quiero dormir. Estoy muy cansada. Mom dijo que puedo llevar mi 2 amigas que se llaman (put 3 of your friend’s names). Pa esta feliz que vamos a el restaurante que es su favorito restaurante. Ojala que tengas buen dia. Adios!




The letter with the given specifications is as follows:

Querida abuela:

El día de hoy quiero contarte cómo se encuentra nuestra familia: Mi papá está lavando su nuevo auto, dice que es de colección y solo le costó $15.000, mi mamá comenzó a hacer yoga todas las mañanas, dice que la hace sentir más relajada todo el día, mi hermano mayor volvió a trabajar en un taller automotriz, por lo cual ahora cumple un horario estricto de lunes a viernes, mi tío Simon ha estado pidiendo un préstamo al banco para colocar otro negocio, mi tía Stella está como voluntaria con una organización que realiza actividades ambientales en favor de la comunidad y yo he estado muy juicioso en el colegio.

¡Espero verte pronto!


Tu nieto más querido.


The translation of the letter is:

Dear grandmother:

Today I want to tell you how our family is: My dad is washing his new car, he says it's collectible and it only cost him $ 15,000, my mom started doing yoga every morning, she says it makes her feel more relaxed all the time. day, my older brother returned to work in an automotive workshop, so he now meets a strict schedule from Monday to Friday, my uncle Simon has been asking for a loan from the bank to set up another business, my aunt Stella is volunteering with an organization that carries out environmental activities in favor of the community and I have been very judicious in the school.

I hope to see you soon!


Your dearest grandson.

Within the written letter, minimum features of a letter such as greeting and saying goodbye have been met, descriptions of five relatives have been included: mom, dad, older brother, uncle and aunt, and some of the verbs given in the list: costar, comenzar, volver, pedir, properly conjugated in Preterite, since the text is not very inclusive with respect to who writes them, you can make modifications so that it suits you a bit as a person.

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