Answer :


they tell about news, and weird stuff. in my opinion they are not doing a good job because most of the stuff that they write about is not true



Journalist serve society by giving society the news that they need to know what's going on in their world.

Some journalists write about current events that are going on in the world, like war and other things. While other journalist could be writing columns, or pieces that talk about a political stand point and things of that sort.

For your second question, it honestly depends on the journalist themselves. Some journalists could be doing a better job than others. Some could be stronger in one topic, while others could be weaker in that same topic. Journalist have the power to write what they want, and it's their choice is they want to lie to their viewers about topics. Because of this, there have been multiple fake news spreading around our society, and people are falling for it.

Overall, journalist are just doing their job by serving society with the news that they need to know in order to know what's going on around them.