Answer :
Following are the program in the Java Programming Language.
//import package scanner class
import java.util.Scanner;
//define class
public class telephone {
//define main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
//set object of the scanner class
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//print message
System.out.println("Enter tele-phone no. using this format: (xxx)xxx-xxxx: ");
//get input from the user
String phn =;
//check length of phone number is equal to 13
if(phn.length() == 13) {
//check phone no. containing parentheses
if(phn.charAt(0) == '(' && phn.charAt(4)==')' && phn.charAt(8) == '-') {
//initializing the values
String num1 = phn.substring(1,4);
String num2 = phn.substring(5,8);
String num3 = phn.substring(9);
//check the following input is numeric or not
if(num1.matches("[0-9]+") && num2.matches("[0-9]+")&& num3.matches("[0-9]+")) {
//then, print valid message
System.out.println("Given phone number is valid");
else {
//print invalid message
System.out.println("Given phone number is invalid");
else {
//print invalid message
System.out.println("Given phone number is invalid");
else {
//print invalid message
System.out.println("Given phone number is invalid");
Following are the desciption of the program
- Declared a class telephone
- Read a input phone number in phn variable of string type.
Check the following condition of phone number
- if "phn"=="13" then it check for the parenthesis and number is valid otherwise phn number is invalid .