Table which was completed correctly is :
B) Answer choice G
Metals : Most of the elements in the periodic comes in the category of metal. They are found in left and middle of periodic table.
List of metals
Alkali : Li , Na , K ,Rb , Cs ,Fr
Alkaline : Be , Mg , Ca , Sr ,Ba ,Ra
Transition : Sc ,Ti ,V ,Cr ,Mn , Fe , Co, Ni Cu , Zn ,Y ,Zr ,Nb ,Mo ,Tc ,Ru , Rh , Pd , Ag , Cd , In , Sn, La ,Hf ,Ta ,W ,Re ,Os ,Ir ,Pt ,Au ,Hg
Non -Metals: Most of the p-block element are non metal. They are present in upper - right corner of the periodic table.
Non - metals : H , He , C ,N , O , F ,P ,S , Cl, Ar , Br , Xe ,At ,Rn,
Metalloid : They show properties of both the metals and the non - metals.
Also called as semimetals
Metalloid : B ,Si ,Ge ,As ,Sb ,Te ,Po
In table F :
B = metalloid , N = non metal ( wrong-match) , Ra = metal ( wrong-match) , He = Non - metal ( wrong-match)
In table G : Correctly matched
I = Non - metal , Ca = metal , Rb = metal , As = metalloid
In table H:
Ni = metal ( wrong-match) , C = metalloid ( wrong-match) , Mg = metal , Pb = Metal
In table J:
Cu = metal , Sb = Metalloid( wrong-match) , S = non metal( wrong-match) ,Ne = non metal