Answer :
Please see the explanation of the process
In the integrated cash receipt system in which customers makes the payments on account of the physical check that are mailed to the company.
The mail room clerk open the envelops containing the checks and remittance advices and endorse the checks for deposit only.Then the clerk reconcile the checks and remittances advices and prepare the remittance list. The checks, remittance advices and a copy of remittance list sent to the cash receipt department .
The cash receipt clerk reconciles the checks and remittances advice with remittance list and prepares the deposit slips. Via terminal, the clerk accesses the cash receipt system and creates a record in the remittance file (cash receipt journal) for each remittance advice received. The clerk files the remittance list, remittance advices and one copy of the deposit slips. At the end of the day,a member of the security group deposits the checks in the bank .