Case 5: Becky, age 42, was brought in by local law enforcement after she was found running naked through the town park. When asked what she was doing, she said that it "felt good to be free." When the police asked her to come with them, she became combative and had to be handcuffed. She continued to hiss and spit at the officers until arriving at the hospital, where she smiled broadly and yelled, "Home sweet home!" During your interview with her, she seems very excitable but pleasant. She mentions that her run through the park was a celebration. When you ask what she is celebrating, she says that she has been feeling rather down for the past two weeks, but that today she felt great and decided to celebrate with a run. What diagnosis and symptoms would you give becky?

Answer :


Answer and explanation:

By reading these lines above, considering the scenario described and they behaviour of the patients, I can deduce that what she decided to do was something purely out of impulse. She acted on impulse after a massive feeling of joy that overcame her after having two bad emotionally weeks. Also, she acts nicely in a moment and then agressively changes her behaviours from one second to another. I would guess that the pacient has bipolar disorder.

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