Answer :
These words are spoken by Eliza, who is the person who is meant to be transformed in the play. In these lines, Eliza explains that the real meaning of a lady depends on how she is treated. She tells Higgings that she is only a lady because he treated her as one. She tells us that while the superficial skills can be easily learned by anyone, a women is not really a lady until she is respected by others.
The quote shown above is spoken by Eliza doolitle, a flower seller who cannot speak English correctly and ends up calling the attention of Higgings who decides to put her in beautiful clothes and teach her to speak correctly, in short, he wants to transform her in a lady, which ends up happening. However, with the phrase said aciam, Eliza says that although their new clothes and the beautiful words she learned are important in society, it is not these things that make a woman a lady, but the way that this woman is treated. She would have been a lady when she was a flower seller in plain clothes and unable to speak correctly, if people had treated her like a lady.
Pygmalion is a play that tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, a very simple and poor girl who sells flowers on the street and is always dirty and untidy. In addition, Eliza does not know how to use far-fetched words and speaks with many problems of pronunciation and grammar, which makes Higgings, an intellectual, decide to transform her into a lady with beautiful clothes and an elaborate vocabulary.