An automobile producing company operates car dealerships that sell its cars. In order to assess the service costumers get at the dealerships a team from the Customer Relationship Department was assembled. The team was sent to 20 randomly selected dealerships. Each dealership was visited once by the team for an entire working day. During a visit the team interviewed all the customers that arrived at the that dealership. One of the questions that each of the customers were asked is: "Do you currently possess a car made by our company?

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:


The objective of this experiment is to assess the service customers receive at the dealerships.

1) The population in this survey is:

The population is the customers of car dealerships.

2) The sample in this survey is:

The random sample taken was 20 selected car dealerships, where the customers were surveyed.

3) A parameter that may be targeted by the survey is:

To study the service the customers receive at the dealerships and if it has any influence in the customers owning or not a car of the company, one parameter to study is the population proportion of customers that own a car of the company vs the proportion of customers that are satisfied with the service received.

4) A statistic that may be used to summarize the outcome of the survey is:

The statistic to use to summarize the outcome of the survey is the sample proportion.

I hope it helps!

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