Answer :
There are two options: to buy more expensive one with apps, or to buy a cheaper one with no access to certain apps. When it comes to one that’s cheaper, it’s not something that cannot be fixed. There are many apps that are free and will give us the same thing we need as ones which we need to pay for in order to use them. Of course, if we need it for fun. If it’s work related and if it’s something that we are going to make money from, it’s a better choice, as we would be making more money in the future and it will pay off. Both are them are beneficial. I would personally purchase the more expensive one.
If we are going to measure the cost-benefit by the number of accessible applications then we would require to know how many applications we are going to run in each one. Obtain the difference and see if the percentage matches the price percentage difference between both. Then understand if it is worth spending that money on the expensive tablet or not.