Give an example of a scientific question that could be investigated with an experiment. Then give an example of scientific question that could not be investigated in this way.

Answer :

For the first question, make a question that is quantifiable or can be counted. This can be anything, as long as its quantifiable, like "How many species of trees are in this certain area?" While for the second it can be a question that can is more qualitative and are more open-ended questions, example, “What are the contaminants present in this water sample”



A scientific question is the one which can be answered after conducting thorough detailed experimental procedure. It is said to be testable. A non-scientific question is the one which cannot be answered using experimental procedures. It is said to non-testable.

The example of a scientific question: Which has more nutritional value milk or butter? The answer of this question can be obtained after experimental trials.

Which is better milk or butter? As no parameter is given for comparison, this question cannot be tested experimentally.

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