Answer :
All the alternatives are TRUE
a. If sodium hydroxide is spilled on skin or clothing, the contaminated clothing should be removed immediately and the affected area should be drenched with plenty of water. Medical attention should be sought if a large area is affected, or if blistering occurs.
b. Sodium hydroxide solutions are particularly dangerous to the eyes
c. Sodium hydroxide solutions with high concentration can cause severe burns
d. If sodium hydroxide is introduced to the eyes, flush the affected eye continuously with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately.
e. Eye protection should be worn at all times when handling any form of sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used in industry (mainly as a chemical base) in the manufacture of paper, fabrics, detergents, food and biodiesel. Also used to clear pipes and sinks because it is corrosive. It is produced by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (brine).
The handling of sodium hydroxide must be done with total care, as it presents many health risks. If ingested, it can cause serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the gastrointestinal system, and if inhaled it can cause irritation, and in high doses it can lead to death. Contact with the skin is also a dangerous fact, as it can cause a simple irritation to a severe ulcer, and in the eyes it can cause burns and corneal or conjunctive problems. In cases of contact with sodium hydroxide, the exposed region should be placed in running water for 15 min and seek medical help. If swallowed, the victim should be given water or milk without causing vomiting, if inhaled, take the victim to an open place so he can breathe. If the victim is not breathing, artificial respiration is required.