Answer :
The answers are explained below
The nursing considerations are thus:
*Pitocin should be administered by a trained person and continuous monitoring is needed.
*Monitor the fetal heart rate for every 20 minutes for any nonreassuring patterns such as tachycardia or bradycardia.
*If any non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern occurs,immediately stop the infusion, Administer oxygen, provide side line position to the patient, administer non addictive solution.
*Monitor the uterine contractions periodically
*Monitor maternal vital signs and record it
*Monitor the intake and output patient and document it in I&O chart.
•Other Indications or cases of use of Pitocin are:
*Postpartum hemorrhage
*Incomplete/inevitable abortion
*Stimulate milk letdown reflex
Reason: Pitocin helps in the stimulation of oxytocin receptors in the uterus causes intense uterine contractions and increases intracellular calcium levels in uterine myofibrils. Pitocin is a drug of choice for postpartum hemorrhage. Because it is mainly due to lack of uterine muscle tone.
In incomplete abortion, oxytocin causes strong uterine muscle contractions and results in menstrual bleeding and abortion.
Stimulation of milk let down reflex: Oxytocin causes contractions in milk holding cells around the alveoli. This increased pressure leads to the ejection of milk through the nipple.