Answer :
Motivation theory 1.0 is related to the need to survive in an 'ecosystem'. The exigencies to survive when an individual survival rate is at stake, drives for Theory 1. Examples include the need to work and get food to avoid starving to death, the need to get shelter and need to get clothed; these are fundamental survival needs of man. Therefore M.1.0 is drive by natural instinct or inner drive
However, Motivation theory 2.0; is related to the fact that motivation in human is driven by reward(carrot) and punishment(stick).This type of motivation is mostly applicable to repetitive tasks that mostly do not require originality.However in non repetitive tasks where originality is required,such rewards limits creativity.
Thus M.2.0 is being drive by external forces(extrinsic).These forces provide rewards for behaviours one desires which motivate for better results, and suppressed behaviours that one detests. Therefore it make s use of the 'if then' rewards phrase to make this happen.;e,g if you can win the two trophies you will be ...........