Answer :
Answer: I have been asked to give a speech to your class. I am concerned that if you refuse the opportunity, you may feel disappointed in yourself. However, I am also afraid that you'll be too nervous to speak in front of a large group. A positive of doing the speech would be self improvement and you would grow from the experience further improving self confidence, and even bravery. A negative of doing a speech would be stress and the time it would take to create the speech. A positive of not doing the speech would be time and freedom. A negative of not doing the speech could be later on regretting the decision for missing out on a chance to grow and improve. I would probably chose to take that chance and do the speech because it won't hurt to learn a bit. Practicing talking in front of big crowds can also help someone become friendlier. The best way to move past the stress of making a decision would be to change the meaning of the negative energy. For example if I were feeling nervous I would channels that energy into being exited and it would help motivate me to move on and create this speech.