Answer :


To solve this problem we will define the order of magnitude of both points, then we will obtain the radius and obtain the conclusion of the order of magnitude.

A nanosecond is one billionth of a second while and a millisecond is one millionth of a second

[tex]\frac{\text{millisec}}{\text{nanosec}} = \frac{10^{-3}}{10^{-9}} = 10^6[/tex]

Therefore something that runs in nanoseconds is six times faster than something that runs in milliseconds

Word magnitude means the extent of something. It is the property that determines the object is larger or smaller than the other. The object's magnitude can be arranged into class.

  • Nano second is the SI unit of time that is equal to bn of a second. That is 10⁻⁹ seconds.
  • The nanosecond is a one billion th of the second, whereas an millisecond is 1000th of a second. The nanosecond process is thus 1,000,000 times faster.

The correct answer is 100,00,00.

Learn more about the what order of magnitude is something that runs

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