Answer :

The Mitral valve which is also known as left atrioventricular prevents blood movement from left ventricle to left atrium.


  • Human heart is four chambered.
  • Two of these are receiving chambers known as atria and the other two are distributing chamber known as Ventricles.
  • Atria are superior chambers and ventricles are inferior chambers.
  • The heart has four valves broadly grouped as Atrioventricular valves and Semi lunar valves.
  • Atrioventricular valves allows flow of blood from atria to ventricle. These are tricuspid valve and bicuspid valve.
  • Semi-lunar valves allow blood to pass out of the heart. These include the pulmonary and aortic valves.
  • The pulmonary valve allows blood to flow from right ventricle  to the heart while aortic valve allows blood to flow from left ventricle to the Aorta.
  • The Tricuspid valve located between the right atrium and right ventricle allows blood to flow from right atrium to the right ventricle.
  • The Bicuspid valve ( Mitral valve)  located between the left atrium and left ventricle allows the blood flow from left atria to left ventricle.
  • Valves maintain the unidirectional flow of blood and thus prevent its back flow.

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