Answer :
Technical Illustrator do not use ISO reference model in their work. They often use graphical and visual drawing tools of technical illustration in their work. However, Network engineer and computer scientist often used ISO reference model in their work. As you know that, ISO is a standard for protocol used for communication between two computers.
Technical Illustrator
A technical illustrator makes illustration and visual representation of a product in order to communicate technical information of technical nature with customer/user. The technical illustrator illustrates the technical presentation of the product in manuals and in publication. However, the technical illustrator doesn’t use the ISO model in their work. They use graphical and visual tools to help their work effectively.
Network engineers, communication and internet engineers use the ISO model. For example, if any fault occurs in LAN, to diagnose the fault, the network engineer uses the ISO model to identify the error in ISO layers. They use the ISO conceptual model, in order to know which layer is producing the fault.
Computer Scientists:
The computer scientist who is working in the field of telecommunication, they often use the ISO model as a base, to make improvement in the communication system and management of telecommunication system.