Answer :
B. non sequitur
Logical fallacies are mistakes in the process of reasoning. Let's first define each of the given answers.
False dilemma is a fallacy where something is presented in only two opposing possibilities; there is no middle ground, everything is black or white, there is no grey.
Non sequitur is a fallacy where the conclusion doesn't follow from the premises; the premises may be true, but reaching the conclusion does not follow the logic.
False analogy is a claim that if two terms have one same feature, then they must be identical in other features as well.
Straw man is a fallacy used in arguments; basically if one takes an opponent's argument, modifies and exaggerates it and then attacks this modified argument, we call that a straw man fallacy.
So, now, with this in mind we could say that this was a non sequitur fallacy. Chine is in Asia and Raji is from Asia too, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is from China.