Answer :
This question doesnt really make gramarical sense but ill do my best to answer it!
what i understand from this question/ statement is that you are supposed to be writing a letter from you to the state senator.
This isnt really a question but I can give you some ideas too put in your letter to the senataor. If you dont agree with these view you 100% dont have to use them.
Depedning on your views or what you are uspposed to be wiriting this might not help at all but I will try.
Dear (State senator),
-I believe that you are wokring really hard and doing a great job in office!
-I dont agree with what you are doing and I have some ideas to fix that... etc.
-I have some tips for you... etc
your, (Insert name)
Rememebr too add all parts of a letter! Middle, ending, beggining. Bring up real and valid points.
Hope i helped...yours,
Bob form brainly
(Excuse my spelling errors)