Assume that a variable variable, number Of Sides has been initialized. Write a statement that assigns the value True to the variable is Quadrilateral if number Of Sides is exactly 4 and False otherwise.

Answer :



public class ANot {

   public static void main(String[] args) {


       int numberOfSides = 20;

       boolean isQuadrilateral;


           isQuadrilateral = true;

           System.out.println("The triangle is quadrilateral");




           System.out.println("The triangle is not quadrilateral");





  1. Create and Initilize the int  variable numberOfSides (You can also receive this from a user using the scanner class for example).
  2. create a boolean variable isQuadrilateral
  3. Use if and else statement to check if numberOfSides ==4 and assign true to isQuadrilateral else assign false

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