
Choose from the following words to complete the sentences.  40 points


Charcoal, binder, gum Arabic, pastel, gesture, contour drawing, tempera, buon fresco, flax, acrylic, water color, gouache, ink, intaglio, relief printing, engraving, woodcut, burin, etching, lithography, pigment, encaustic, casting, photography, carving, barrel vaults, stained glass


1. _______________ is a process which uses acid to mar the surface of a metal plate.


2. Polished metal plates are used for making ____________________.


3. A printmaker will use a ____________to mark the surface of a plate.


4. Sticks of chalk, pastel and crayon are all made by binder with ___________.


5. In essence, paint is composed of ____________ and a liquid binder.


6. _______________ is a type of paint in which pigment is mixed with egg.


7. A type of painting on a lime plaster wall is called ___________  __________.


8. Flanders grew __________, a crop which can be used to make oil and canvas.


9. Polymer resin is a binder for _____________, which began to be used in the 1960s.


10. One of the advantages of acrylic paint is its lack of odor and ___________clean up.


11. In the Roman era, ____________    was used for portraits on coffins.


12.  An opaque painting technique, which uses gum Arabic as a binder and has


easy water cleanup is called ____________.


13.  ___________  _________ is done by carving away part of a block to leave a raised


surface which can be inked and printed.





14. This kind of printing comes from the Italian word for "to cut into":




15. A printing process invented by Senenfelder in the nineteenth century comes from


the Greek for stone writing: we call it ________________.


16. In a similar vein, ___________________comes from the Greek word for light writing.


17. ________________is a subtractive method of sculpting.


18. A substitution process in sculpture entails creating a form in one material and then


another is called_______________.


19. The Romans greatly expanded their ability to create huge interior spaces by their


pioneering use of the ___________     __________.


20.  The art of arranging color glass into mosaic-like window forms is called _________



Answer :

Answer: Well I'm not really good with these but the first one is definitely etching.

At least charge more points but etching is the first

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