To cross the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, the magic number of riders in a vehicle is three. This allows the car to utilize the carpool lane, thus avoiding clogged freeways and backup at the bridge's tollbooths.

Casual Carpool, a decades-old hitchhiking system, is outdoing Uber, Lyft, and Waze.

According to a transit study concerning people that use Casual Carpool, more than 6,000 people use the system per day.

The median wait time for riders at a Casual Carpool stop is 2 1 2 minutes.

Describe the population and sample for this study scenario.

Answer :



The population is 6000 people using the Casual Car loop in Sanfrancisco.


The Sample for this scenario is the Effectiveness of Causal Car Loop compared to others- Uber, Lyft and Waze.

If 6000 people use the system in one day  will give us 8.33per minute for the average wait time for the Casual Car loop.

60 Minutes makes one hour

we have 12 hours in  a day

so its 60 x12 =720 hours

divide population by the hours give us the average time used by the customers or population

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