Answer :
Nora used a minimal volume of hot solvent, this hot mixture was filtered to remove insoluble impurities. She had to perform a rapid filtration with a minimum of evaporation in a short-stemmed funnel previously heated in an oven, and provided with a pleated filter to increase the filtration rate, so in this way she prevented the product from crystallizing prematurely on the funnel stem.
If with this technique does not reach a pure substance, the process can be repeated by heating the solvent, changing the funnel or looking for a solvent with high dissolution power of the substance.
The solid products obtained in a reaction are usually accompanied by impurities that must be removed in order to dispose of the desired product in the highest possible purity. The most suitable method for removing impurities that contaminate a solid is by crystallization either in a pure solvent or in a mixture of solvents. This procedure is given the generic name of recrystallization.