Define the function isEven which returns True, if a given number is even and returns False, if the number is odd. Execute the statement isEven(43) and display the output.

Answer :


Program :

#include <stdio.h> //header file

char* isEven(int number) //function



    return "True";


   return "False";


int main() //mainfunction


   printf("%s",isEven(43)); //calling and display output.

   return 0; //return statement.



  • The above program gives as 45 output.


  • The above program is in c-language, The above function is used to check the number is even or odd.
  • If the number is even it returns true and if the number is odd, it returns false.
  • The print statement called that function while passing the number on the argument and print the result of the function.
  • The char* is used in return type because the function returns the string value.

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