You will be my hero if you answer these!

5.01 World War Again
The Big Ideas
How did the end of WWI, including the Treaty of Versailles, affect Germany?

How did the Munich Pact affect Germany? Why was the agreement made?

How were the three Neutrality Acts different from each other? What did each allow? What were their goals?

What events helped move Americans from isolationism to support for the war?

What are the differences between the cash-and-carry and lend-lease programs?

The Nye Committee – (What were its goals and results?)

President Roosevelt – (How did he move the country towards war?)

Benito Mussolini – (What kind of leader was he?)

Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)
Hitler comes to power in Germany

Japan invades Manchuria

Germany invades Poland

5.02 The United States at War
The Big Ideas
What did the Atlantic Charter include and what was its purpose?

What led to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

How did the U.S. mobilize for war?

How did fighting on multiple fronts (in different places) affect the countries at war?

How did the “Battle of the Bulge” help end the war?

Events (Describe the event, its causes/effects. Include the countries, groups/individuals involved, when possible.)

Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

Operation “Torch” (North Africa)

Operation “Overlord”

Tehran Conference


Yalta Conference

5.03 Two Wars

The Big Ideas
How and why did Japan become involved in the war?

Briefly describe Japan’s actions in the Philippines.

Compare the fighting in Europe to the fighting in the Pacific.

Explain the strategy of “island hopping”. Why was it used? How well did it work?

Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)

Bataan Death March –

Battle of the Coral Sea –

Battle of Midway –

5.04 The Holocaust
The Big Ideas
How did anti-Semitism make Hitler’s propaganda easier for Germans to believe?

How were Jews treated during Hitler’s rule?

How did the U.S. respond to the Holocaust before the war?

What happened to Jews who lived in areas taken over by Germany?

How did the U.S. respond to the reports of the Holocaust and death camps during the war?

What non-Jewish groups were targeted during the Holocaust? What happened to them?

What happened after people in the camps were liberated?


Coughlin, Lindbergh and Ford (How did they react to Hitler and his ideas?)

Displaced Persons (What problems did they face?)
Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)

Kristallnacht—"Night of broken glass."

The ship the St. Louis is turned away from Cuba and the US

Wannsee Conference

5.05 War at Home
The Big Ideas
How did WWII change daily life for most Americans?

How did the war affect civilian women?

How did the war affect minorities?

How did the war limit civil rights for some Americans?

What lasting effects of the social and political changes brought about by the war were seen on women and African Americans?


Bracero program workers (What was their life like?)

Code Talkers (How did the war change their way of life?)

Americans of Japanese descent who enlisted (Where did they come from? What did they have to do to serve in the military?)

Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)

“Double V” campaign

Executive Order 8022

Executive Order 9066

Korematsu v. United States

5.06 War Ends
The Big Ideas
How did the war in Europe end?

How did new technology affect the outcome of WWII?

How did U.S. military leaders feel about the use of the atomic bomb before it was dropped?

What were the short and long term effects of the dropping of the atomic bombs?

How was the end of the war in Europe different from the end of the war in the Pacific?

What was agreed upon at the Yalta Conference and put into action after the war?

War Criminals (What happened to German and Japanese war criminals?)

Harry S. Truman (How did he become president?)

Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)

Creation of the atomic bomb

Potsdam Conference

Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

Answer :


Answer:I will answer the first question and some more

Explanation:When WW1 ended Germany was derfeated very badly. the treaty killed them even more inside because it basically split there coutry in half. Once this happend Hitler started to control the goverment. (u guys should know that story).

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