Anna Prentice has worked for years fixing broken typewriters. She is laid off from her job as fewer and fewer people use typewriters. She is looking for work but cannot find a job in her area of specialty. Which term describes Anna's type of unemployment? 1. structural unemployment 2. cyclical unemployment 3. frictional unemployment

Answer :


1. structural unemployment 


Structural unemployment is a form of unemployment that occurs when there's a mismatch between labour's skills and the available jobs. It occurs as a result of technological change.

Anna is unemployed because she can't get a job in her field. Therefore she's structurally unemployed.

Frictional unemployment occurs between the time labour leaves his current employment and the time he finds another one.

Cyclical unemployment is when employment level changes with the business cycle. It rises during a downturn and falls during a upturn.

I hope my answer helps you

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