Answer :
She is talking about her influences when says, "sonic lineages." She says that her sonic lineage stems from everyday soundscape.
To make the audience believe that the audio was an opera singer, but was a bird. This shows that music can be found in any type of sounds.
He tells that was approached by birds who became his teachers and taught music to him. He used the scales to create an indigenous musical system and it is the modal system used in Ethiopia nowadays.
Emphatic language is meant to emphasize, or from surprise. Hadero says there is a melodicism and musicality built into language to bring attention to the music in the present day. She utilizes the word "indey" that has a pitch and a melody.
To prove the point that everyday sounds can be considered music.
The opening of the door, footsteps of people in the street, and the tapping on my computer.
When musicians are improvising the area of the brain is deactivated.
There is no way to measure creativity, this is something very subjective.