
When Kelley’s cousin is working at the ice-cream stand, Kelley gets free ice-cream. When anyone else is working, Kelley does not get free ice-cream. As a result, Kelley only stops at the ice-cream stand when her cousin is working.

Answer :

Full question:

Provide an example of stimulus discrimination training with reinforcement and an example with punishment.

Answer and Explanation:

When Kelley's cousin (antecedent stimulus) is working at the ice-cream stand, Kelley gets free ice-cream (reinforcer). When anyone else is working, Kelley does not get free ice-cream (extinction). As a result, Kelley only stops at the ice-cream stand when her cousin is working.

The following example demonstrates stimulus discrimination training with punishment: When Jenny gossips in front of her friend Rika (antecedent stimulus), Rika gives Jenny a dirty look and walks away (punishers). When Jenny gossips in front of any of her other friends, the friends pay close attention and participate in the gossip (reinforcers). As a result, Jenny is less likely to gossip when her friend Jenny is around.

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