Indiana courts may be inclined to view a lease option as a(n) __________ if the contract is not structured and written clearly, properly, and fairly, resulting in tenant eviction delays or denials. option to buy purchase agreement standard lease land contract.

Answer :



Since there are no options given, then I have answered it according to my own understanding.

invalid or void


Under the Lease-Options and Land Contracts Law of Indiana, if the tenant breaches the lease, the landlord has the right to terminate the contract. The landlord should be clear regarding the lease option. So, this means that it should be structured, written properly and fairly. The landlord's intention should be clearly drafted in it, in a way that can be understood by the tenant because this serves as an evidence to a transaction.

If the tenant denies because the landlord didn't clearly state in his contract his intentions, then it will not give the landlord the right to do what he wants.

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