Answer :
- Normal Goods : Chips , Houses
- Inferior Goods : Clubs
- Luxury Good : Houses
Income Elasticity Formula = Percentage change in Demand
Percentage change in Income
Percentage Change in Income = - 18%
Chips Income Elasticity = %ΔQ/ %ΔY
= -6/-18 = 0.33
Clubs Income Elasticity = %ΔQ/ %ΔY
= +17/-18 = -0.94
Houses Income Elasticity = %ΔQ/ %ΔY
= -29/-18 = 1.61
- Normal Goods demand are positively related to income , income rise - demand rise & income fall - demand fall. Income Elasticity is hence positive in this case.
- Inferior Goods demand are negatively related to income, income rise - demand fall & income fall - demand rise. Income Elasticity is hence negative in this case.
- Luxury goods demand is positive, more income elastic (i.e responds more to income change). Income elasticity is positive, greater than one in this case.
Chips & Houses have positive income elasticities, they are Normal Goods. Clubs have negative income elasticity, they are Inferior goods.
Houses demand is more income elastic i.e > 1 . So, its a luxury good