Answer :
1. Simple, Start out by eating some vegetable of the sub-group dark green, red, orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other.
Then start eating some fruit, Like oranges, strawberries, and bananas.
Next up Grains, Eat peanut butter sandwich, bread contains alot of grains, and peanut butter also constants peanut oil which is also healthy.
Try eating low fat- and fat free yogurt, milk, and cheese. Soy free stuff.
2. Cultural background. Their are other food in our culture that are deemed banned. For example horse meat is banned in some of the regions.
Product packaging is an important factor as to why people choose the food. As human, we develop the sense to be more particular with the aesthetic of the food.
Product pricing is one of the most important consideration especially to the people who are financially challenge.
3. Fasting and starvation tactics are bad because they are essentially depriving your body of what it needs to grow. So your body is basically digesting its self to run its basic needs. It digests fats, but at the same time it also starts to digest muscle and other tissues.
A laxative diet is the ingesting of minerals or chemicals that help you defecate (such as magnesium) which can be harmful in several ways. They can prevent your body from properly absorbing all of the nutrients in the food that you are eating and can disguise other issues such as diarrhea, which in some cases can be a symptom of something serious. (And also has the potential of giving you a hernia or irritations.)
Liquid diets are diets that consist of liquids. which are often times missing a large chunk of basic necessities of your body, from some missing fiber or iron. To some just being plain ignorant. There are a very few that actually have everything you need to grow and survive.