Use the case structure in order to do the following tasks. a) Use a five layer case structure in order to do following for a two numbers entered by the user. i.Addition of two numbers. ii.Subtraction of two numbers. iii.Multiplication of two numbers. iv.Division of two numbers (check for the user input such that dominator ≠0).r v. Negate the two numbers.b) Use the case a structure to find the square root for a real number > 0. The code will accept the number from the user and check if it is > 0 to calculate the square root, otherwise it gives an error.

Answer :


The complete answer along with step by step explanation and output results is provided below.


Task a)


using namespace std;

int main()


  int op;

  double num1, num2;

   cout<<"Enter num1 and num2"<<endl;


  // To provide the option of required 5 cases  

  cout << "Select the operation:"

          "\n1 = Addition"

          "\n2 = Subtraction"

          "\n3 = Multiplication"

          "\n4 = Division"

          "\n5 = Negation\n";

  cin >> op;  // user input the desired operation

  switch(op)  // switch to the corresponding case according to user input


       case 1:

           cout <<"The Addition of num1="<<num1<<" and num2="<<num2<<" is: "<<num1+num2;


       case 2:

           cout <<"The Subtraction of num1="<<num1<<" and num2="<<num2<<" is: "<<num1-num2;


       case 3:

           cout <<"The Multiplication of num1="<<num1<<" and num2="<<num2<<" is: "<<num1*num2;


       case 4:        

        while(num2 == 0) // to check if divisor is zero  


           cout << "\nWrong divisor! Please select the correct divisor again: ";

           cin >> num2; // if divisor is zero then ask user to input num2 again


           cout <<"The division of num1="<<num1<<" and num2="<<num2<<" is: "<<num1/num2;


       case 5:

           cout <<"The Negation of num1="<<num1<<" and num2="<<num2<<" is: "<<-1*num1<<" "<<-1*num2;



           // If the operation is other than listed above then error will be shown

           cout << "Error! The selected operatorion is not correct";



  return 0;



Test 1:

Enter num1 and num2



Select the operation:

1 = Addition

2 = Subtraction

3 = Multiplication

4 = Division

5 = Negation


The Addition of num1=2 and num2=9 is: 11

Hence the output is correct and working as it was required

Test 2:

Enter num1 and num2



Select the operation:

1 = Addition

2 = Subtraction

3 = Multiplication

4 = Division

5 = Negation


Wrong divisor! Please select the correct divisor again: 2

The Division of num1=8 and num2=2 is: 4

Hence the output is correct and working as it was required

Test 3:

Enter num1 and num2



Select the operation:

1 = Addition

2 = Subtraction

3 = Multiplication

4 = Division

5 = Negation


The Negation of num1=-2 and num2=4 is: 2 -4

Hence the output is correct and working as it was required

Task b)


#include<cmath>   // required to calculate square root

using namespace std;

int main()


  int op;

  double num;

   cout<<"Enter a real number > 0"<<endl;


  cout << "Press 1 for square root:";

  cin >> op;

  switch(op)  // switch to the corresponding case according to user input


       case 1:

          if (num <= 0) // to check if number is less or equal to zero


           cout << "\nError! number is not valid";

           break;   // if number is not valid then terminate program


           cout <<"The square root of num="<<num<<" is: "<<sqrt(num);

// if number is valid then square root will be calculated



           // If the operation is other than listed above then error will be shown

           cout << "Error! The selected operation is not correct";



  return 0;



Test 1:

Enter a real number > 0


Press 1 for square root: 1

The square root of num=6 is: 2.44949

Hence the output is correct and working as it was required

Test 2:

Enter a real number > 0


Press 1 for square root: 1

Error! number is not valid

Hence the output is correct and working as it was required

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