5. Which of the following statements are accurate?
A. Bilaterians include three clades:
1. Deuterstomia
2. Protostomia
3. Ecdysozoa
B. Invertebrates are animals that lack a backbone
C. Lophotrochozoans, which includes molluscs and insects, typically have an exoskeleton that they can shed.
D. All animals except sponges share a common ancestor
E. Givens about animal "A"
I. the animal has three prominent germ layers
II. an animal has bilateral symmetry
III. the animal lacks a backbone
You would be only be able to classify this animal, animal A, as a lophotrochozoa

Answer :

Answer: Options B and E are accurate


The three clades deutorostomia, and protostomia are bilaterans. Ecdysozoa is under protostomia. Invertebrates includes organisms without a backlog making the difference from vertebrates. Insects are not part of the lophotrochozoans although they also shed their exoskeleton. All animals share a common ancestor with the sponges and placozoa diverging first from the more complex animals. Lophotrozoa including 5 phylas which are all invertebates including platyhelminthes, rotifera, mollusks, nermatea and annelida.

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