
(01.08 HC)

Write the final draft of your comparative description. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿
Your final draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements:

-your name, your age, and where you live
-vocabulary words and expressions to describe the time you wake up, what you do to -get ready, and what hygiene products you use tener and vivir
reflexive verbs, stem-changing verbs, and regular verbs
ser and one adjective to describe yourself
one adverb to describe a part of your routine
ordinal numbers to show the order you do your routine
a similarity OR difference between your routine and your new friend's

Answer :


Hola, me llamo Drake y soy activo. Tengo 15 años, y vivo en Florida. Me despierto a las ocho de la mañana, pero mi amiga Savanna se despierta a las nueve. Primero, me cepillo los dientes con la pasta de dientes. Segundo, me lavo la cara con jabon rapidamente.


The final draft is:

Soy Nathan Miller, tengo 14 años y vivo en Burbank, California. En mi día a día, en primer lugar,  me levanto a las siete de la mañana, en segundo lugar, me baño y cepillo mis dientes, y en tercer lugar, utilizo un secador para secar mi cabello y aplico cera para que mi peinado se mantenga todo el día.

Soy una persona extrovertida, me gusta visitar a mis amigos y jugar videojuegos o fútbol con ellos. Ocasionalmente, salimos a comer o al centro comercial. En las noches voy a cenar a casa con mis padres y me acuesto temprano.

Aunque mi nuevo amigo tiene la misma edad que yo, es introvertido y prefiere pasar sus días en casa, jugando videojuegos de rol o leyendo novelas ligeras.


I'm Nathan Miller, I'm 14 years old and I live in Burbank, California. In my day to day, firstly, I get up at seven in the morning, secondly, I take a bath and brush my teeth, and thirdly, I use a hairdryer to dry my hair and apply wax so that my hairstyle is hold all day.

I am an outgoing person, I like to visit my friends and play video games or soccer with them. Occasionally, we go out to eat or to the mall. At night I go home to dinner with my parents and go to bed early.

Although my new friend is the same age as me, he is an introvert and prefers to spend his days at home, playing role-playing video games or reading light novels.

Compliance with specifications.

According to the specifications requested by the text, each of the words used in the text and their function within it are mentioned below:

  • Reflexive verbs: me levanto, me baño, me acuesto.
  • Stem-changing verbs: soy, voy, es.
  • Adjectives: extrovertida, introvertido.
  • Adverb: ocasionalmente.
  • Ordinal numbers: primer, segundo, tercer.

Taking into account that all the requested information was given and that all the required words or verbs were fulfilled, it is considered that the text is correct.

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