Answer :
Ethnocentric is one the three major approaches of international staffing. Others are polycentric and geocentric.
Ethnocentric revolves around the idea that the parent company staff subsidiaries in foreign countries with workers from the parent`s company.
The staffs transferred to this foreign subsidiaries normally fill key management position. And the major reason for using parent`s company staff is to make sure that the parent has control of the company culture and business interest in the foreign subsidiary.
So in this case, Alamanzo Devices, Inc. is using ethnocentric approach of international staffing.
Ethnocentric Approach
Ethnocentric Approach is a type of process in international recruiting whereby the recruiter recruits the right person for the right job for the international businesses, on the basis of the skills required and the willingness of the candidate to mix with the organization's culture.
It also means when a company hire management that is one of thesame nationality of parent company. This is what almanzo device inc. is doing by bringing people from Oklahoma office to fill in key positions in Brazil in other to maintain that organization's culture.