In the Pequot War of 1637: a. Connecticut and Massachusetts soldiers teamed with Narragansett allies to set the main Pequot village afire and kill 500 Pequots. b. the Pequots took over the old Pilgrim colony and made it their own. c. the Narragansetts joined the Pequots to fight the Puritans, leading to the elimination of both tribes. d. the Pequots defeated the Puritans in a battle that temporarily drove back the Massachusetts Bay settlers to only three coastal towns. e. the barbarity of the Native Americans surprised the colonists.

Answer :



a. Connecticut and Massachusetts soldiers teamed with Narragansett allies to set the main Pequot village afire and kill 500 Pequots.


The Pequot War originated due to fur trade tensions between the powerful Pequot tribe and the Mohegans, the Dutch and the English colonists, who wanted to expand more land. Thus, since the Pequot killed English trader John Oldham, the English and the Dutch allied with the Mohegans, a Pequot rival tribe, and attacked their village on the Mystic river. As a result, four hundred people Pequots were killed, while the remaining survivors were enslaved in the West Indies, extinguishing the Pequot tribe.

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