Answer :
E. all of the above are traits of persons with strong EI
The concept of Emotional Intelligence has existed since 1990, when Yale psychologists John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey presented the concept to the academic world. But it was Daniel Goleman who went on to study it further, and a direct relationship was found between the EI of a company's staff and the success of the company
Employees with a high level of EI have a better self-awareness, which helps to understand coworkers and meet deadlines.
When people have high EI, they don't bother so much about customer reviews and remain focused on results, rather than being offended.
When two candidates have similar CIs, the one with the highest EI is probably the best option for the company.
10 characteristics of people with high IE :
They are not perfectionists
They know their strengths and weaknesses
Are self-motivated
They have empathy for others
Do not focus on past mistakes
They are not easily distracted
They know how to balance work with social life
They know when to say NO
They do not fear change
They know how to manage their emotions