Answer :
Answer: the term Screening Examinations and Disease Management Training HCPCS Codes can be used.
Explanation: HCPCS which is an acronym for Health common procedure coding system, was first introduce by the federal government to submit medical claims to payers for procedures and services performed by physicians, non physicians, hospitals and out patient facilities after undergoing lots of modifications over the years. It has also been adopted by commercial payers.
HCPCS has 2 levels.
HCPCS level I - which is also called current procedure terminology (CPT) this level includes procedure and care provided by physicians and health care professionals and the coding characters are 5 alpha characters e.g 53421 and are updated either yearly, late summer or early fall in July. This CPT coding can be remembered as ' what the provider did'
HCPCS level II - also called the national health care common procedure coding system which includes drugs, supplies, equipment and non physician services. The coding structure have 5 characters beginning with a letter followed by 4 numbers example G1234. The permanent codes are updated yearly while the temporal codes are updated quarterly. It shows ' what the provider used' that is why coding for prostate specific antigen uses the level II coding system of the HCPCS index.