Write a SELECT statement that joins the Customers table to the Addresses table and returns these columns: first_name, last_name, line1, city, state, zip_code. Return one row for each address for the customer with an email address of allan.sherwood@.

Answer :


The select statement to this question can be defined as below:


SELECT first_name, last_name,

line1, city, state, zip_Code

FROM Customers JOIN Addresses ON

Customers.CustomerID = Addresses.CustomerID

WHERE Customers.EmailAddress = 'allan.sherwood@.'.


Select declaration produces the data as a result of data set from more than one table. This statement collects 0 or even more rows from table, It also provides the view of the table.

  • In the above statement first, we select table columns, that are given in question then we select table and join the columns by using where clause condition.
  • This condition will return the columns with there values.

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