Answer :
Are exceptional athletes heroes
Heroics is used very broadly and can consist of many different aspects of ones= feats or achievements. While researching this topic, I have found that there are numerous ways to describe a hero. What makes a hero? I have determined in my opinion, that the word Ahero@ consists of ones accomplishments, actions or service that leads to the betterment of others. From my definition of the word, exceptional athletes do have the potential to be heroes.
The word hero has been used broadly for many years. The word has found different variations of its meaning throughout a time line of history. Going back to our ancient history, the word was found primarily in literature. The word hero or heroine trails
Michael Jordan is one of the most talented athletes, but it=s beyond his talent that defines him as a hero. It is Jordan=s actions outside of the court that he has attributed. Jordan is involved with a variety of charities including the Boys & Girls Club of America, Special Olympics,UNCF/College Fund and a number of other charitable organizations that support children and families. Jordan contributes much of his time towards the youth, assisting them as individuals and athletes. His ability on the court was always backed by his actions off.
The Salt Lake Tribune
The NBA announced a new multiyear partnership with MGM Resorts on Tuesday, making MGM the league's first official gaming partner.
In coming to the agreement, which sources confirmed to The Washington Post as a three-year pact worth $25 million, the NBA, for the first time, will be compensated for having a product on which people can place bets.
As the gambling industry has evolved in the wake of the Supreme Court striking down the federal prohibition against sports betting earlier this year, the NBA has remained at the forefront of attempting to take advantage of the new frontier that the American sporting landscape has stumbled into. The league has aggressively courted lawmakers at both the federal and state levels in the hopes of receiving an "integrity fee" for having people bet on its games.
The NBA has stated this fee would go toward additional monitoring of the sport, which it says will be necessary once gambling is legal across the country and not primarily in Las Vegas. So far, though, attempts to impose the fee have failed to gain any traction on the government side.
At the same time, however, the league has been talking to various casinos themselves. And by striking this deal with MGM, the NBA can set a precedent that it should be compensated for having a product on which people can wager.
"It's a bit of a shift [in strategy]," NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said. "Our initial strategy was a consistent federal framework. There was a shift in that strategy when we saw that wasn't going to happen with the repeal of PASPA [the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act] and no federal replacement. We were then going to be looking at a state-by-state strategy. Once we started discussions with the states, we're realistic. We saw it was going to be an uphill battle. By the way, it's still early days in those state-by-state discussions. At least 20 states are currently considering legislation, but only a small handful have passed bills so far."
And that is where MGM comes in. That the league would partner with MGM is a natural fit, given MGM is the owner of the WNBA's Las Vegas Aces, the owner of the two largest arenas in Las Vegas, and is already a core partner with the league for its annual summer league in Sin City.
If the NBA is going to continue to do business in Las Vegas, it only makes sense for MGM to be part of this. In addition, MGM will have the cache to say it was the first gaming partner of the league and be able to advertise across all NBA platforms, including NBA TV, and on the league's official app.
Silver made clear during his news conference that the only exclusivity MGM will have in this deal will be from the data it receives from the NBA - meaning MGM will have the league's official stats at its disposal, which could be particularly useful for in-game betting, not to mention the potential for possible more creative in-game bets down the road using some of the league's motion tracking data.
What the deal doesn't do, however, is prevent people from betting on games anywhere but MGM properties. Thus, for the regular fan who wants to go place a wager on a game, Tuesday's announcement doesn't mean a whole lot. Fans will still be able to go to whatever place they choose to make a bet on the NBA once it is legal, and the bets themselves won't change.
What did change Tuesday, however, was the perception that the NBA should be compensated for providing the thing for which people want to put their money on the line. The NBA will be hoping this is the first of many such agreements to take place moving forward.