Answer :
The correct answer for: It is incumbent to take up the feuds of one’s father or kinsman no less than his friendships. But such feuds do not continue unappeasable; even homicide may be atoned for by a fixed number of cattle and sheep. The whole family thereby receives satisfaction to the public advantage.
Tacitus Germania
This is one of the many norms, laws, and customs included in Germania which was written by Tacitus. It is at ethnographical work that gathers customs, laws, and lands of the Germanic tribes/people from second hand sources. It shares their culture and had the purpose to record their ways, to be passed on the next generations and compared them to the roman's ones. It was a classical book that remained lost until a manuscript was found on Hersfeld Abbey. And even when it was a gathering of information, the author never traveled or lived with the "Germany" he wrote it because he was a Roman leader and wanted to inform its people about what he heard about the "germanic tribes" and warn his people of the threats they meant to them.