Answer :
Monocots, dicots, tap roots
Higher plants possess root as one of their structural components. These root exist in two systems; Fibrous root is a root system possessed by monocotyledonous plants e.g grasses while tap root system is possessed by dicotyledonous plants e.g Carrot plant.
The fibrous root system is a branched root system. A diverse network of root is formed on the topmost layer of the soil, thus, help in anchoring the plants to the ground surface. The tap root system, in contrast, is a thick main root that grows downwards, penetrating deep into the soil. Smaller roots emanate from the side of this main tap root.
According to the question, in an habitat what most of the water can be found deep in the ground, a root system that grows and penetrate deep into the ground will be best in order to assess the water. Hence, a tap root system is bette adapted for this function.