Create a script that asks for the student's percentage point through a prompt box. Using the following scenarios write if else statements that determine the student's letter grade and display the grade in an alert box: Percentage Letter Grade >=90 A Between 80 and 89 B Between 70 and 79 C Between 60 and 69 D Lower than 60 F

Answer :


Following are the java script code for the above question.


Program :

var percentage= prompt("Enter the percentage of the student"); // take the input from the user.

if(percentage>=90)//check condition for greator than 90.

alert("your grade is \"A\"");

else if(percentage>=80) // check condition for 80 and 89.

alert("your grade is \"B\"");

else if(percentage>=70) // check condition for 70 and 79.

alert("your grade is \"C\"");

else if(percentage>=60) // check condition for 60 and 69.

alert("your grade is \"D\"");

else // check condition for less than 60.

alert("your grade is \"F\"");


  • If the user input 60, it will prints D.
  • If the user inputs 59, it will prints f.

Code Explanation:

  • The above code is in a javascript language, In which the first line is used to display the message and take the input from the user in the alert box.
  • Then the percentage is checked by the help of in if, else if and else statement and print the grade.
  • Then the grade is printed with the help of an alert box.

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