Answer :
a. Pulmón: órgano donde ocurre la respiración.
b. Tierra: el planeta donde vivimos.
c. Homeópata: persona que cura con remedios naturales.
d. Semilla: parte dura de una fruta o vegetal de la cual crecen nuevas frutas y vegetales.
e. Madera: material sólido de un árbol, que tiene múltiples usos.
f. Remedio/Medicina: sustancia que se consume para curar una enfermedad.
In the previous exercise, you must write the requested word, whose meaning is detailed in a sentence.
Success in your homework!
a) Pulmón
b) Tierra
c) homeópata
d) semilla
e) madera
f) remedio
pulmon: an organ of respiration of invertebrate animals in which the gaseous exchange between air and blood is performed.
Planet Earth: planet of the solar system, third in proximity to the Sun, inhabited by people.
homéopata: person who uses very small concentrations of organic substances similar to those that create the symptoms of a disease
seed: grain contained inside the fruit of a plant that, put in the right conditions, germinates and gives rise to a new plant of the same species
wood: hard and fibrous substance that forms the trunk and branches of trees
remedy: substance used to cure a disease, reduce its effects or to relieve physical pain.