Answer :
2n − 4
Step-by-step explanation:
This is also known as the "gossip problem".
Let's start with three stations, A, B, and C. Station A knows information A, B knows information B, and C knows information C.
First, A calls B, and they share information. So now both have information AB.
Next, B calls C. They share information, and now both have information ABC. Finally, A calls either B or C. Now all three stations know all three pieces of information. It took 3 calls.
Let's repeat with 4 stations: A, B, C, and D.
First, A calls B and C calls D. Then, A calls C and B calls D. It takes 4 calls.
Let's try 5 stations. But this time, let's put the first 4 stations in a group. The fifth station E, calls someone in the group. The group takes 4 calls to circulate information. Then, someone in the group calls E. It takes a total of 6 calls.
As long as n ≥ 4, it follows the same pattern. One group of 4 forms a "hub". Every person outside of the hub calls someone in the hub (n − 4 calls). The hub circulates among themselves (4 calls). Then, every one in the hub calls someone outside of the hub to relay the information back (n − 4 calls). The total is (n − 4) + 4 + (n − 4) = 2n − 4.
So for 7 stations, it takes a minimum of 10 calls.