Instructions: Use the lab example given to complete the Practice Writing a Lab Report activity. Please fill in this lab report with the appropriate information and data.

Include your name, instructor’s name, and the name of the lab

What is the purpose of the lab

What was the hypothesis in the experiment


Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Controlled Variable

The procedures are listed in Practice Writing a Lab Report Activity. You do not need to include them here.

Data and Observations:
Include the data for the sample lab here.

Height of Plant

Days No fertilizer (cm) Chemical Fertilizer (cm) Organic Fertilizer (cm)
Conclusion questions need to be answered using complete sentences. Some questions may require a longer explanation in paragraph form.

Was John’s hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why or why not?
Based on the data in the table, which fertilizer worked the best? Explain your answer.
Which plant did not grow well? Explain your answer.

Analysis questions need to be answered using complete sentences. Some questions may require a longer explanation in paragraph form.

How would you improve this experiment?
As a real-world application, how can this experiment be beneficial?

John had a science fair project that he needed to do. He wanted to test the effects that organic and chemical fertilizers had on plant growth. John predicted that the organic fertilizer would make the plants grow taller. He used three pots, three of the same type of seed, soil, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, water, and a ruler. John put soil in the pots. He added chemical fertilizer to the first pot, organic fertilizer in the second pot, and no fertilizer in the third pot. He then planted one seed in each pot. John had to water the pots daily. He also checked for growth and took measurements for a period of 10 days. He measured the height of the plants.

Days No Fertilizer (cm) Chemical Fertilizer (cm) Organic Fertilizer (cm)
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0.5 0
6 0 1.3 0
7 0 1.9 0.3
8 0 2.2 1.6
9 0 4.5 3.2
10 0.2 5.2 3.8
John made a data table to record his measurements.
After the 10th day, John observed that the plant with the chemical fertilizer grew the most.

Answer :


Answer No 1)

The purpose of the lab was to test the effects of different fertilizers on the growth of plant.

The hypothesis was that if organic fertilizers are used, they could make the plants grow taller.

The independent variables will be the different fertilizers which were being used. The dependent variable will be the growth or height of the plants. The controlled variable will be the plants to which no fertilizers will be added.

Answer No 2)

The hypothesis proposed by  John was wrong. John proposed that the plants who were given organic fertilizers will grow the most. On the other hand, when experiments were performed plants which were given chemical fertilizers grew more as compared to the plants which were given organic fertilizers.

Answer No 3)

We can improve the experiment by checking out  more number of plants instead of just one plant for each category. fertilizers also. This is because using only one plant for each category might not have provided the best authentic results. The experiment can be beneficial as it will allow the usage of fertilizers which will give enhanced growth in plants.

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