Answer :
Trypanosoma ------------ causes Chagas disease.
Trypanosoma -------------- causes African sleeping sickness.
Giardia --------------------- transmitted by feces in drinking water.
Trichomonas ------------ sexually transmitted.
Histoplasma ------------- causes Ohio Valley fever.
- Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite transmitted by the bite of an insect of the Triatominae subfamily, very common in rural areas. It causes weakening of the heart muscle and heart failure, characteristic of Chagas disease.
- Trypanosoma brucei is a hemoparasite - found in the blood - transmitted by the tse-tse fly. Causes African trypanosomiasis or African sleeping sickness, characterized by progressive involvement of the central nervous system.
- Giardia lamblia is a parasite that is predominantly found in the duodenum. Infestation by this biological agent produces abdominal pain, nausea and belching with an unpleasant taste. It is transmitted by water contaminated with feces.
- Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite that is transmitted through sexual contact, and produces vaginal trichomoniasis, a disease that causes inflammation and secretion in the genitals of men and women.
- Histoplasma capsulatum is a fungus that produces the disease called Ohio Valley fever (histoplasmosis), characterized by cough with expectoration, respiratory distress, fever, headache and severe muscle aches.
Learn more:
Infectious disease