Need it done as fast as you can it's do in 4 hours.

Answer no 1:
sW sW sw sw
Sw SsWw SsWw Ssww Ssww
Sw SsWw SsWw Ssww Ssww
sw ssWw ssWw ssww ssww
sw ssWw ssWw ssww ssww
The genotype of the parents will be Ssww and ssWw.
About 4/16 offsrings will have the genotype SsWw, 4/16 will have the genotype Ssww. 4/16 will have the gentype ssWw. 4/16 will have the genotype ssww.
About 25% will have the phenotye, smooth and wooly. About 25% will have the phenotype smooth and non wooly. About 25% will have the phenotype non- smooth and wooly. About 25 % will have the phenotype non-smooth and non- wooly.
Answer No 2)
bT bT bT bT
Bt BbTt BbTt BbTt BbTt
Bt BbTt BbTt BbTt BbTt
Bt BbTt BbTt BbTt BbTt
Bt BbTt BbTt BbTt BbTt
The genotype of the parents will be BBtt and bbTT.
As seen in the punnet square, the phenotype of all the offsprings born from such a cross will be black trotter.
Answer No 3)
wd wd wd wd
WD WwDd WwDd WwDd WwDd
WD WwDd WwDd WwDd WwDd
WD WwDd WwDd WwDd WwDd
WD WwDd WwDd WwDd WwDd
The genotype of the parents will be WWDD and wwdd.
The results of the punnet square illustrate that all of the offsprings will have white flower colour and disc shaped fruit.
Answer No 4)
The phenotypes of the rabbits will be as follows:
Ggbb - Gray hair and red eyes.
ggBB- White hair and black eyes
ggbb - White hair and red eyes.
GgBb - Gray hair and black eyes
Answer No 5)
Gb Gb Gb Gb
gB GgBb GgBb GgBb GgBb
gB GgBb GgBb GgBb GgBb
gb Ggbb Ggbb Ggbb Ggbb
gb Ggbb Ggbb Ggbb Ggbb
8 out of 16 offspring will have Gray fur and black eyes.
8 out of 16 will have gray fur and red eyes.
0 out of 16 will have white fur and black eyes.
0 out of 16 will have white fur and red eyes.